jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

El Mensaje (The Message) :: “eduardogargano”

Maharaji :: Música desde elcorazón :: “Eddy Gargano”

Eddy Gargano

Capital, Buenos Aires (Ciudad Autónoma de) Argentina

Ambient / Rock / Rock clásico

Maharaji :: Música desde elcorazón :: "Fuzzbee"


Hollywood Hills, California Estados Unidos

Rock / Soul / Jam Band


Maharaji :: Música desde el corazón :: “Geoff Bridgford Archives”

Geoff Bridgford Archives
The Gold Coast, Queensland - Australia

Pop / Acústica / Otros


Algo más que palabras :: “Virlot”

Vídeo de música e imágenes.

Maharaji :: Música desde el corazón :: “Sergio Rivero”

Sergio Rivero
(Las Palmas) España



lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

HRH Yogiraj Param Hans Sat-Gurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj :: “Ramilbeej”

A moving tribute to HRH Param Hans Sat-Guru Dev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj that was created in his honor to celebrate the Centenary in 2000 is presented here on You Tube.
In awe, with much much love, admiration, and respect for him, his courage, unwavering efforts and hopeful vision of spreading his practical message of peace to each person throughout the world.
A vision which has been made a practical reality by his son and student, Prem Rawat, who has maintained the integrity and dignity of this message....against all odds
Click on "watch in high quality" for picture clarity

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

Action * A Glimpse into Maharaji's Earlier Life :: “Ramilbeej”

Click on "watch in high quality" for picture clarity

A simple clip with footage of Prem Rawat's, also known by the honorary title Maharaji, earlier life and the humble beginnings of a life changing message.
A message that would have remained in India had it not been for the will, determination and relentless effort of Maharaji for over fourty years to honor the wishes of his Master who was also his father to spread this message of hope and peace around the world.
A message which is more than just words.

Prem Rawat (Maharaji) - "This is what I do" (legendado) “EduardoJai”

"É isto que eu faço" - Pequeno excerto do evento de Barcelona (Junho de 2008).

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

Maharaji - Prem Rawat - Video musical - Plenitud Interior :: maharajitributo

Video musical... Prem Rawat, conocido también por el título honorífico de Maharaji, viaja por el mundo desde hace más de tres décadas inspirando a las personas a encontrar la paz en su interior. http://www.plenitudinterior.cl/

Himalayan reverie

Video mejorado en este nuevo portal

Hacer clic en la carátula para visionar el video

citas de paz :: “caravanapazesposible”

heaven inside :: “RawatMaharaji”

http://www.thekeys.maharaji.net/ "What I offer is more than words. I offer the know-how to access the experience of peace and fulfillment within. I call it Knowledge.

Just a Mirror :: “Temax”

Prem Rawat's students and Prem Rawat. Visit www.wordsofpeace.org

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

Maharaji :: Oasis :: “BoothSteve"

A five minute walk from my home in Santa Cruz is a beautiful Oasis for me a reflection of the Oasis of Love that resides within the heart of every human being. Photography by Steve Booth Music "Oasis" by Manuel Iman.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008

Maharaji Prem Rawat :: “srecke74”


Maharaji :: Prem Rawat ::Tributo :: “maharajitributo”

http://www.plenitudinterior.cl/descargar.html :: Video Tributo a Maharaji (Prem Rawat).

Maharaji - University of Malaya :: “sanjayws”

Video excerpt of Maharaji's speaking engagements in Tamil. Developed by the Malaysian Tamil Translation Team.

Maharaji :: música desde el Corazón :: “Nigel Holton”

Nigel Holton, South Pasadena, California, USA

Maharaji/Prem Rawat :: India April 2007 :: “rubysouth”

India, April 2007, New Delhi. 1 Teacher, over 130,000 people in one venue...
1 message...1 heart...1 Life...Enjoy, Enjoy , Enjoy

MAHARAJI :: What is Knowledge :: “rubysouth”

What is Knowledge - Prem Rawat

Maharaji :: música desde el Corazón :: “John Mills”


martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

Maharaji :: A celebartion 50 years brithday :: “mik678”

an event full of love

Prem Rawat // Maharaji - "Desperate for Peace" :: “mblogger”

"Have you ever felt desperate for peace?" Maharaji asks. He talks about how people often hide their need for peace planning for tomorrow, for their favorite day to come. But that one day, he says, can only come as today.

MAHARAJI :: THE MESSAGE (part 1 of 4) :: “grokJunkie”

Una videopresentazione di Prem Rawat e delle sue attività :: “comitatolive”

Le informazioni contenute in questo video sono aggiornate a maggio 2005

錯誤的禱告 :: “WoodyTseng”

因為黑暗本身是空無的,帶來光, 黑暗便會離開;帶來喜悅,痛苦便會離開;帶來清楚,疑惑便會離開

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

Bata de Moksh ka marag :: “Andshkmsc”


Maharaji :: bin dhyan na ho :: “anand520213”

A Very beautiful bhajan singing by singer for the importance of Teacher in life.

Prem Rawat :: come to the mermaid :: “MRFGP”

Invitation to hear Prem Rawat's unique message of peace at prestigeous London Thames-side venue The Mermaid on Sunday 24th February 2008

Prem Rawat :: Una búsqueda personal :: “Inspira2007”

Prem Rawat en la sede de las Naciones Unidas de Nueva York, en un acto muy especial: "Agua y Paz para la Humanidad".

Maharaji :: Música desde el Corazón :: “Rodrigo d’Orey”

Rodrigo d’Orey
Lisboa (Portugal)

Pop / Acústica / Rock

"Words of Peace"@ UN Day of Peace 2008 - Maui, Hawaii :: “alohagathering”

This is the effort of some folks on Maui to let attendees at the UN Day of Peace Celebration know about the "Words of Peace" broadcasts and the message of Prem Rawat.

Maharaji :: True Wisdom by Maharaji :: “applepanther”

Maharaji (Prem Rawat) in Malaysia UNA

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008

MAHARAJI :: Música desde el Corazón :: "A Heaven’s Kiss"

Enrique Lázaro
Madrid, España (Spain)

Sunset :: Prem Rawat (Maharaji) :: COMPLETE + Spanish :: “hb5gomate”

Great video with nice visuals and a ambient music mixed with Prem Rawat's addresses. There Maharaji, more common name for Prem Rawat, talks about a simily between the appreciation of existence and sunsets. It's sublime. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maharaji :: A Peace Yet Undefined :: “rayjayvids”

A collaboration between myself, Ray Allan (Music), and Olivier Vazeilles (Video) Based upon the words of Prem Rawat.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

Prem Rawat :: 滴滴的仁慈 :: “WoodyTseng"


Prem Rawat :: Slide Show 2007 :: “sujeetsinha”

Maharaji :: Real Freedom :: “innernomads”

Even a prisoner in jail can be a free man! A freedom that can be felt in prison!

Prem Rawat :: Zee :: “Hetzitinje”

feeling, sound and words of peace
gevoel, geluid en woorden van vrede

Maharaji :: The Gift :: “1love2be”

This is not the best quality clip but it is an exemple of how to mix varios medias... btw...like my new logo? Hope you can still enjoy.

Maharaji :: Prem Rawat :: Avenues to Contentment :: “guay2006”

Maharaji`s message with cool music :: “mahendrepalbajad”

feel and enjoy

Maharaji :: message of peace continues :: "looksinside"

Prem Rawat accepted the responsibility of taking the message of peace to the world from his father, Shri Hans. This took place in 1966 when Prem was 8 years old, and continues in earnest to this day. This slide show is a tribute to these two remarkable men. Music by Stuart Hoffman