viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

Te esperamos en Uruguay :: “0800juan”

Maharaji, esta es una invitacion a que vengas a Uruguay.

Because You Are Alive :: “tprfyt”

“Each one of you, because you are alive, will make a voyage. What will this voyage be like? Who are you? What is the purpose of this voyage ? Why does it have to be made?” These are some of the questions asked by Prem Rawat in this excerpt.

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008


Actuación en directo en el Hotel Marriott (Denia), con un montaje de video de Pedro Arias.
The White Coast Band (Denia) - España


Cara Tower created the poetry based on a story told by Maharaji. Voice overs: Daya Rawat & Nina FaragSinging voices & all instruments: Cara TowerBasses: Eduardo Del SignoreViolin: Scarlet RiveraWritten by Cara Tower FuryBudhaMusic/BMI

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008

Kripa Tumhari Mujh Par Badi Hai :: “andshkmsc”

This is Heartiest bhajan for showing gratitude and love for maharaji. This bhajan was written and sung by magistrate's son. In this bhajan singer sings about maharaji's blessing,love.

Piya Mora Milya :: “andshkmsc”

A Very Beautiful Hindi Bhajan in which Maharaji enjoying Holi with People.

Dearest Maharaji :: “Ramilbeej”


"Deseamos crear un inventario de todos los músicos amigos de Prem Rawat y que al igual que nosotros, disfrutan de sus enseñanzas. Nos gustaría conocer y disfrutar de su música. Por favor enviarnos vuestro enlace de myspace y os añadiremos a nuestra lista. Muchas gracias."

"We would like to create a complete inventory of the many musicians friends of Prem Rawat that like us enjoy his teachings. We would like to know and enjoy their music. If you send us your Myspace link we would add it to our list. Thank you so much"
Xavier Gálvez:
Fernando García:

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

Prem Rawat "Fulfillment" (Voldoening) :: “Ketelbinkie51”

Sinds het begin der tijden hebben we één gemeenschappelijk belang.
Prem Rawat, ook bekend onder de naam Maharaji, een eretitel, reist al ruim veertig jaar over de wereld, en spoort mensen aan om vrede te vinden binnen in henzelf.
Den Haag TV (dhtv)Elke dinsdag TV Uitzending 18:30 - 19:00 uur Words of Peace, Prem Rawat over vredekanaal 45, freq 663.25. op de Haagse kabel.
Rotterdam TV (slor) Elke maandag en dinsdag TV Uitzending 18:30 - 19:00 uurWords of Peace, Prem Rawat over vredeTe zien via kanaal 67, freq 840.00. Contact:

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008

Maharaji tour of 2008 :: “innernomads”

Maharaji effort is continuing to unfold around the world in 2008! since 1971 he has toured all over the globe ,now for over 37 years ! so redundantly constant is hes efforts in providing all of us with the inspiration and guidance.

Prem Rawat - Welcome to the World of knowledge :: “buzzness007”

A new video I create and am working on as the introduction to a new explosive video, I am animating the feeling and Love inside.Check out this new site thats going to hold some amazing media promoting Maharaji's media

Little Push (Music video) :: “2betom”

Little Push:
Music and lyrics by Rodrigo d'Orey:

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

Its a New Dawn :: “Dave”

Its a New Dawn

This Water, This Thirst :: “WordPaints”

Human beings have a deep thirst to know the magical and sweet foundation of life itself. There is a teacher, alive today in this world, who can connect humans with their hearts. The proof is in the water. Drink it, now.

Prem Rawat-Maharaji "My Role" :: “zxkl”


Arrogant dirt :: Maharaji Prem Rawat :: “dhanya05”

Who Are We :: “tprfyt”

“The baby knows how to cry, how to laugh, how to be,” says Prem Rawat. “These are innate. These are fundamental things nobody has to teach. The desire for peace is also fundamental. This is who we are. This is our foundation, our need, from our hear

Prem Rawat :: Maharaji :: 'The Value of Breath' :: “mblogger”

Maharaji, as Prem Rawat is widely known, talks about how, while often the importance of a day is based upon failures or successes during that day, the value of existence is forgotten. The greatest value in existence, the greatest blessing, he says, is the breath.